YOU are NOT your body.
YOU HAVE a body.
Guess what-We have been programmed to believe our worth is wrapped up in our physical appearance and our bodies are a piece of meat.
Valued for beauty or devalued for lack of attractive attributes. (But who gets to decide what is attractive ? Notice -that it depends on different cultures and different times in history. Each individual has their own idea -you will go insane trying to match a million different views of beauty. )
I saw this painting,
by French painter, Gustave Courbet, called The Source (1862) at the Met in NYC.
Apparently, he was considered scandalous-as he did not conform to the classical teachings of painting the human form at that time.
Basically he was a rebel!
I was intrigued with the idea that she was looking away, standing in water and embracing a water fall. Possibly resting, possibly crying, possibly waiting on a friend or a lover, taking a break from bathing ...the artist left it for us to decide.
These last few days she’s been on my mind -with a message -big time!
Listen up!
Maybe no one ever told you -
YOU are NOT your body !!!!
YOU ARE an Eternal Light Being that HAS a human body just for a small moment in time.
I even like to call it your AVATAR!!! Your human body is a glorious bio-mechanical machine with a super computer for a brain.
NOW what?
Let me ask you -Does your body reflect your spirit ? Does your AVATAR reflect your inside ?
Only YOU can answer that.
Are you feeling that you have honored your body in the light of that knowledge ? Contemplate and witness your own answer without judging yourself.
If your answer is no, or I don’t know -don’t fret, baby.
You can learn and turn things around-From the inside out.
I’m gonna teach you.
The good news is that -with every breath can change your future.
Let’s do this!
We will start with our thoughts, what we consume, and how we move and breathe.
I see you baby and
I love you 🦋
